OSHC Family Portal
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The Program
The Out of School Hours Care Program operates from “The House” which is in the school grounds facing Third Avenue, St. Peters. It offers regular Before School Care, After School Care, Occasional Care and Vacation Care for the children of East Adelaide School and the local community.
After school activities are less structured than those offered during the vacation periods, to allow the children to ‘wind down’ after the school day.
The programme’s activities are designed to meet the interests of children aged 5-12 years. Children are offered the opportunity to participate in leisure and recreation activities (eg. art, craft, games, gardening, cooking, drama) in a ‘homelike’ atmosphere.
Excursions are made locally and further afield, during the vacation periods. Nutritious snacks (sandwiches, fruit, etc.) are provided daily.
For After School Care, the reception and year one children are collected from a central location at the School each day by an After School Care staff member and are taken or directed to “The House”.
Parent Information
Useful Links for Families
Kids HelpLine – Counselling
Kids Helpline | Phone Counselling Service | 1800 55 1800
1300 55 1800
Beyond Blue – Counselling
Talk or chat online to a counsellor – Beyond Blue
1300 22 4636
Services Australia – Domestic Violence
Family and domestic violence – Services Australia
13 24 68
Improvement Plans
Payment of OSHC Fees
Payments can be made online or at the OSHC office.
Online payments can be made at anytime by clicking here or via the QKR! App.
Click here for information about Qkr!
The OSHC office is located in the OSHC building and is open between 7:15am – 8:45am each morning and 3:10pm – 6:00pm each night.
OSHC Booking Assistance
The Advisory Committee
The School Council is responsible for the organisation and management of the Program and this is done through its Out of School Hours Care Advisory Committee.
The Advisory Committee is composed of parent, School Council and School Staff representatives and OSHC Director.
The Advisory Committee meets monthly and reports regularly to the School Council. Any parents who wish to do so are welcome to join or to assist the Advisory Committee.
Social gatherings are held from time to time for both children and parents.
The School Council employs the staff of the Program. The staff are all experienced in the provision of care and recreation activities for children.
The Director is responsible for overall conduct of the Program and is the person with whom parents should communicate regarding the Program and matters affecting their children.
General Information
The telephone number for Out of School Hours Care is:
8362 6585
OSHC Mobile:
0423 782 668
Hours of Operation
Before School Care:
7:15 am – 8:45 am
After School Care:
3:10 pm – 6:00 pm
Vacation Care*:
7:15 am – 6:00 pm
* Please contact the OSHC Office for Vacation Care dates
The Staff
Nathan D’Agostino
Assistant Director:
Livani Gianakis